Cooperative Advantage Sign-Up Form

Sign-Up Information

Touchstone Energy member cooperatives have the exclusive opportunity to participate in the brand-new Cooperative Advantage Report. The survey will be conducted by the CFI Group, the research firm that owns and administers the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®). Each participating cooperative will receive their individual ACSI score and access to the national report at no additional cost. Individual co-op reports and custom reports for G&Ts or Statewide Associations are available for a fee.  

All survey data will be collected online only. The data collection period is June and July 2025.   

The sample size per individual co-op is at least 200 completes by residential member-owners.  

Co-op Distributes Survey to Members

Your cooperative receives a unique survey link and you are responsible for distributing the survey link to your member-owners (e.g., via email). Touchstone Energy will provide your co-op with an email template and further guidelines for the distribution of the survey link. This collection option is free to Touchstone Energy member cooperatives.   

CFI/ACSI to Distribute Survey to Members

ACSI will send an email invitation to your member-owners, including the survey link. Your co-op will be responsible for providing a member list of email addresses by May 16, 2025. This  collection option includes a fee for the survey distribution and related programming.  


If you would like to participate in the Cooperative Advantage Report, please fill out this form no later than May 16, 2025.   

Please check one data collection option for your cooperative
Please check the deliverable(s) of the survey results you would like to receive: