Research Findings & Reports

Touchstone Energy provides reliable and continuously updated insights into consumer trends, member satisfaction, and new technologies. We got you covered with a wide range of short- and long-term research projects that will help your electric cooperative fine-tune member outreach, communications, and engagement. 


Member Satisfaction

Keeping an eye on member satisfaction is a useful way to ensure your electric cooperative meets its members’ expectations. Thanks to Touchstone Energy’s long-standing partnership with the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®), members have access to the only national cross-industry measure of customer satisfaction available in the United States.

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The Cooperative Advantage Report

Cooperative Advantage Report

Stay informed about member needs, opinions, and expectations with Touchstone Energy’s Cooperative Advantage Report to determine priorities, choose the most effective communication channel, or distribute sought-after energy information.

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focus group

Online Focus Groups

Get feedback on members’ takes on a wide range of topics, be it energy use in the home, rate plans, or smart home devices. Every quarter, residential members of select electric cooperatives throughout the United States share their feedback on their cooperative experience, energy behavior, communication and information preferences, and many other topics.

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Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative

Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC)

The Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) provides state-of-the-art research on energy consumers in North America. Touchstone Energy members have access to SECC’s important research studies.

View SECC Research

National Survey on the Cooperative Difference

National Survey on the Cooperative Difference

Based on data from more than 10,000 residential co-op members across the United States, this annual survey provides electric cooperatives with members’ ratings of their electric provider and their opinions of current and emerging utility trends. 

View NSCD Surveys